Relieving pain in intensive care
Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Great Ormond Street Hospital
Target: £13,000
Achieved: Late Spring 2020
Shani was in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) at GOSH on two occasions, both following surgery. It's a place close to our hearts as it is where Shani spent her final days.
The doctors and nurses in the GOSH intensive care units do incredible work caring for and healing children and babies during their most critical days.
Having often just been through major surgery or fallen very ill, one of the key functions of the ICU is to manage pain so that the children can begin their healing process.
To that end, we thought that it would be a very good match for Shine For Shani to fundraise for the GOSH CICU.
We've raised over £13,000 to buy 6 vital new pain relief syringes and pumps that will go directly to improving the life chances of children with serious heart conditions.